About Us

An example of Queensland’s contribution to Australian cultural excellence. LGNOP is the leading national training organisation for emerging classical singers and repetiteurs to ensure the welfare and sustainability of classical vocal performances.

In 2008, the renowned soprano Lisa Gasteen AO returned to Brisbane and noticed a lack of comprehensive career pathways and bridging programs for classical singers in Australia. Singers required more language skills and limited exchange with respected international coaches, leaving them with very few professional standards outside of their local experience. To bridge these gaps, LGNOP was established in 2011 as an independent entity with a dedicated staff and a flexible program that adapts to the ever-changing operatic landscape.

It is important to note that LGNOP does not offer a degree and is not associated with those offered by Queensland Conservatorium, which provides LGNOP space and economic oversight for money raised entirely by LGNOP. LGNOP is the only national cultural training organisation based in Queensland, with institutions like the Australian Ballet, NIDA (National Institute of Dramatic Arts), ANAM (Australian National Academy of Music [Orchestral]), and the National Art School situated elsewhere in Australia. Therefore providing Queensland with an institution of high pedigree and educational ability.

A survey conducted in 2022 revealed that 82% of our 157 alumni (2011-2022 with orchestral musicians excluded) are still within the music industry nationally or internationally. One-third of the 157 are Queenslanders. In addition, forty-two QCGU or The University of Queensland Music Department students have been chorus members. This survey demonstrates LGNOP’s integral support to emerging artists.

Upcoming Events


Philip Mayers will be hosting and directing a song recital “Elsewhere”, with art song repertoire demonstrating the attraction of Italy and the sunny Mediterranean over the last two centuries.

Opera Space
Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University

November 30th 2024 7:00pm

Opera Scenes

The closing performance will showcase scenes from operas in Italian or about Italy, directed by the incomparable Stuart Maunder, with our trusted Ensemble Q led by Felice Venanzoni, from the Frankfurt Opera.

Conservatorium Theatre
Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University

December 14th 2024 7:30pm

Contact Us

To Enquire:


To Call:

+61 7 3735 6251

To follow our Social Media:

Office Location:

Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University

140 Grey Street | PO Box 3428 South Brisbane Q 4101

Office Hours:

Wednesday 10:00am - 5:00pm (or by appointment)